Board of Advisors
Our Board of Advisors, all industry leaders, have made a powerful statement by supporting Life Science Cares and our goal to end poverty in our community. Annually, our Advisors make a personal financial contribution to cover LSC’s administrative costs, allowing us to channel money raised from our event fundraisers, Corporate Membership Program, and from individuals to our partner organizations.
Our Board of Advisor members also choose to volunteer with their companies and recruit their colleagues to join in this collective effort. For more information on how to join our Board of Advisors please email [email protected]

Chuck Baum
President, Founder and Head of Research & Development, and Board Member
Mirati Therapeutics

Sarah Bhagat
Biotech Investor

Tracy Cole
Biotech Research Scientist

David Hale
Hale BioPharrmaVentures

Bob More
Alta Partners

Vickie Reed
Board Member and Audit Chair; Chief Accounting Officer (retired)
Mirati Therapeutics (retired)

Daniel Ryan
Co-Chief Investment Officer & Regional Market DirectorSan Diego Alexandria Real Estate Equities
San Diego Alexandria Real Estate Equities