Life Science Cares Boston is thrilled to welcome Ruby Kim as the new Manager of Project Onramp in Boston. Ruby steps into this role as Project Onramp scales nationally and previous Onramp head Lila Neel moves to a national director role.

“Ruby’s passion for supporting young people and creating opportunity is inspiring. She has hit the ground running, getting to know the deep bench of Project Onramp host companies and our student support partner organizations in order to ensure we meet our big goals for 2023,” said Sarah MacDonald, President of Life Science Cares Boston. 

Ruby is an educator at heart with a nomadic spirit, owing to her military family upbringing. She is a graduate of Southern Methodist University with a B.A. in English. Over the past decade, she taught English as a second language in the States and in South Korea. After a time of travel and living abroad, she is now passionate about providing access to educational and workforce opportunities to young talent.

In her free time, Ruby enjoys thinking and learning about instructional design, cafe-hopping, and exploring hiking trails. She is excited to put down roots in Boston.

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