Next Level Social Impact, Life Sciences Cares Boston, and the Viney Wallach Foundation announced today the launch of a collaboration to provide financial and programmatic support to Enroot, a local organization committed to helping teenage student immigrants thrive within the Massachusetts education system.

In 2022 the funding partnership will couple a financial investment of $100,000 with targeted capacity building to deepen and expand Enroot’s support of nearly 300 high school and college students. Next Level Social Impact and Life Science Cares Boston will also jointly support efforts to provide high quality, grantee-centered, customized strategic counsel and volunteer engagement to Enroot. This wraparound support will enable the further development of programs that give tangible academic and English language support to immigrant students, so they can progress towards high school graduation and into post-secondary success.

Next Level Social Impact’s mission is to address the persistent inequities and barriers to opportunity in Greater Boston by providing easily accessible and high quality customized strategic support to high impact nonprofits advancing social justice.

“We are so thrilled to launch this partnership with two organizations to better support a high impact local organization focused on a critical need in our local communities. With this three-way funding partnership, we hope to remove red tape and make things easier for Enroot to focus where their energy is needed most: on the students they serve,” said Darcy Brownell, chief executive officer at Next Level Social Impact. “We are grateful and proud to work alongside the Viney Wallach Foundation and Life Science Cares to best coordinate our efforts in support of Enroot.”

In seeking high impact investment opportunities, collaborative funders often struggle to find like-minded partners that emphasize a grantee-centered, trust-based approach. Simultaneously, while nonprofit leaders often report an acute need for more tangible capacity building support, they are often left to navigate many individual partnerships that are neither coordinated nor streamlined.

“We are grateful to be the recipients of a coordinated effort on the part of our funders, which will play a critical role in our ability to continue to support local immigrant youth  facing heightened challenges from the pandemic and the social and racial barriers that they often encounter in society,” said Rose Francois, interim executive director at Enroot. “When our partners are able to coordinate their efforts, it allows our team to focus squarely on the work ahead—supporting students in their efforts to  build a successful future here in Massachusetts.”

Nearly ninety percent of nonprofit leaders report an increased demand for their services, yet sixty two percent say that securing financial sustainability for their organizations is a top challenge.

“We are thrilled to be a part of this collaborative effort,” said Larry Wallach of the Viney Wallach Foundation. “Our Foundation believes deeply that we can maximize the impact of our grants by working alongside other funders and aligning our efforts. In Massachusetts 1 in 6 residents are foreign born and COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted the lives of immigrants. Quite simply, we can do more when we do it together to support our communities.”

In addition to Enroot, Next Level Social Impact is providing funding and customized capacity building support to three other high impact organizations. Life Science Cares Boston also recently announced a major financial investment in Greater Boston’s community, granting a total of $1.5M in grants to 28 nonprofits working to combat poverty and mitigate its effects.

“Our commitment to reducing racial and ethnic disparities, which were only exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will be deepened through this collaborative effort with two other local grant makers,” said Sarah MacDonald, president of Life Science Cares Boston. “We know supporting nonprofit leaders in a way that allows them to better focus their time and attention where it matters most is the key to success. We are excited for this partnership that will not only better align resources, but our capacity building support efforts as well.”

About Next Level Social Impact
Next Level Social Impact’s mission is to address the persistent inequities and barriers to opportunity in Greater Boston by connecting high impact nonprofits advancing social justice with the resources they need to thrive. The organization serves local nonprofits, beyond the start-up and early growth phases, that are closely connected to the communities they serve and are poised to achieve the next level of impact. Next Level works to eliminate the most cumbersome and time-consuming processes that are required by many funders and capacity builders – making it easier and more convenient for nonprofits to access vital resources. For more information and to read about the organization’s current nonprofit portfolio, please visit

About Life Science Cares Boston
Founded in 2016, Life Science Cares Boston has partnered with more than four dozen community organizations to direct financial resources, donated goods, and tens of thousands of volunteer hours from life science companies and their employees to reduce the immediate and long-term impacts of poverty. These grants and partnerships further Life Science Cares Boston’s goal to leverage the intellectual, financial, and human capital of the industry to collectively reduce the impacts of poverty, while helping companies build connections with the community and internally between employees. Learn more at

About the Viney Wallach Foundation
Founded in 2021, the Foundation believes all young people deserve the opportunity to determine their own future. Focused on four main giving areas: youth development, career and college readiness, STEM education, and civic engagement, the Viney Wallach Foundation seeks to create positive change by providing catalytic support to nonprofits addressing the critical needs of young people. The Foundation seeks to amplify its grant dollars by aligning investments with like-minded funders and capacity-building organizations.

About Enroot
Founded in 1938, Enroot is a community-based nonprofit with a mission to empower immigrant youth to achieve academic, career, and personal success through inspiring out-of-school experiences.  Enroot’s mission is to empower immigrant students to achieve academic, career and personal success through inspiring out of school experiences. Enroot’s programs provide immigrant youth leadership development workshops, internships, workforce readiness guidance, academic tutoring, and matching all students one-to-one with an adult mentor. Enroot’s program goals are to: 1) Develop a greater sense of belonging, self-confidence, self-advocacy, and a multicultural identity; 2) Accelerate English acquisition and improve academic performance; 3) Build marketable skills through professional internships; 4) Develop a clear and inspiring pathway for higher education and career, and graduate high school prepared to successfully transition to post-secondary education; and 5) Enroll, persist in, and complete a post-secondary education program or enter the workforce.

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