Last week, LSC partnered with BIO on BIO Gives Back, a community service project hosted in conjunction with the 2023 BIO International Convention in Boston.

Over the four days of the conference, we recruited dozens of volunteers to pack a total of 900 care kits, all of which were delivered same-day to Life Science Cares Boston’s partners—community organizations supporting people in need across Boston. Special thanks to sponsors GSK and Amgen, who made it possible to purchase the supplies and to Tobin Scientific, who provided the pickup and delivery of finished kits to community partners!

Monday and Tuesday: 200 Hygiene Kits + 200 Snack Packs delivered to CASPAR 

CASPAR offers a comprehensive array of services that provide access to people wherever they are on the substance use recovery continuum, from street outreach to aftercare housing. The CASPAR Street Team stocks their van with hygiene kits and snack packs when they drive around Cambridge & Somerville, looking to support anyone living on the streets. The kits not only provide critical hygiene supplies and snacks; they are a tool to help the Street Team build relationships and trust necessary for longer-term services and support.

Wednesday: 400 STEAM Kits delivered to Horizons for Homeless Children

Horizons for Homeless Children is leading the fight in Massachusetts to help alleviate the trauma and stress of homelessness on both children and their families by providing high-quality early education, vital opportunities for play, support for parents, and crucial advocacy on behalf of some of our most marginalized citizens. Our STEAM kits are made up of developmentally appropriate tools and toys to support learning in Horizon’s Early Education center.

Thursday: 100 Hygiene Kits delivered to Victory Programs

Victory Programs opens the door to hope, recovery, and community for individuals and families facing homelessness, addiction, or other chronic health conditions. Our hygiene kits go with clinicians and outreach workers as they work to meet basic needs, point the way to other services, and build relationships with people living on the streets.


Student Day Speed Networking

Also, as part of the annual Student Day at the BIO Convention, LSC recruited two dozen industry professionals for a rousing hour of speed networking with undergraduate and graduate students from across the country. The turnout was ASTOUNDING and we’ve already heard about follow up conversations scheduled and connections forged.

Industry rockstar Allyson McLaughlin Huntington, General Counsel at the Mass. Life Sciences Center, was one of our volunteers and shared this: “It was an amazing networking event (the adrenaline was palpable!), and I left it feeling deeply grateful for the work you do through LSC within our life sciences ecosystem. I was floored by how enthusiastically open the students were to learn about all aspects of the ecosystem – even from non-scientists like me! I have had a flood of responses from the students I was able to meet, with over a dozen LinkedIn connections – many with personalized notes of thanks.”

We look forward to building on this program in future LSC and BIO conferences!


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